Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Wish casting Wednesday

Jamie Wish casting Wednesday has cast the wish, How would you wish to stretch? I have to say, at this moment in time it would have to be yoga for me!

A couple of points why:

a) I ain't nineteen no more. I can not stuff my face full of crap, and feel like a millions dollars the next day. I have found in the recent years that my middle part of my body has become my very own rubber ring. I would get a job as a life guard in the local swimming centre just by looking at me.

b) Sometimes I forget to breathe. Also my posture is shot to hell. People keep away from me in the street because they think I am sleep walking.

But, back in the day, (about three years ago) I did a stint at yoga school every Tuesday night. It was based in this beautiful Victorian house with huge white rooms and large bay windows. My teacher was really lovely and I quite enjoyed going.Nobody turned up soon after so I had one to one classes with her. After about six weeks, I was quite the cocky mare and thought I was the bees knees with all my yoga moves.

It seemed my teacher noticed too. "Claire, I think you have mastered this. I think it is time to move on to the next level."
"Oh my God, I thought, "she wants me to become a teacher at her school!"

"Yes, Claire next week I think we can move you upstairs to the beginners class."

Oh. (deflated balloon sound)

I didn't realise there were at least few levels of yoga training and I have not even started them, I have just been at induction class. (Six weeks at induction stage?*Ahem*)
So as soon as I came around and picked myself of the floor I said "Great!" She hugged me and said "You finally did it!"

Thanks love.

Apparently everybody else passed with flying colours and were waiting on the phone call to say I had finally mastered The tree pose and to come on down.

So the next week was a much bigger class, all fifty of us. It was brutal. Not for anybody else, just me. They all looked like graceful swans and there was my reflection grunting and gasping back at me in the mirror. I lasted, say twelve minutes until I wailed loudly "NO MORE!" and collapsed in a crumpled sweaty heap. Needless to say I did not go back, by heck, I don't think I would have been welcome back.

But I enjoyed the induction sessions and I loved yoga. So I want to do it again and try harder! I bought a yoga book recently and even recognised three of the poses. (In the start up stretch section). So I wish to stretch myself like I did so graciously in my inductions sessions, all six weeks of them and my tree pose? Magnificent!. (Let's just not mention the beginners class stage.) Also stretching my mind to realise what situations I am getting my self into would help.This has been my first Wish Cast Wednesday.


Holly said...

This made me laugh...because I've been there, done that...there's never an end to learning Claire, you know that.

Do you know, I worked for eight years to get my black belt in Aikido, only to learn that in typical Japanese fashion, the black belt is a beginners belt. Once you get a black belt you are now an official student.

Up until that point, you're an honored guest. Oh fer the love of gawd!

As Claire wishes for herself, so I lovingly and with intention wish for her also.

Here's to having the courage to start over and over and over again.

Barbara said...

LOL, Holly!Hehheee! And Claire!! OMG that was funny! I so relate because I was in a beginner yoga class for a year and injured two separate places on my body (which shall remain unnamed) as everyone else turned pretzel moves into a thing of beauty. Sheesh! So I quit. I ain't 18 anymore either, dammit. So Pilate's (the excercise invented to rehabilitate) it is.

As Claire wishes for herself, so I happily wish for her also!

Giulietta the Muse said...

Hi Claire du la lune,

Welcome to wishcasting Wednesday. Congrats on your induction class. Sounds grueling in a good way. I wish for you to continue stretching yourself through yoga. That's great you are going back for more!


Rudee said...

I never felt better as I did when I was doing yoga at least once a week. Don't feel badly, I never made it past beginner stage, either.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

LOL! I have always needed a very forgiving yoga teacher. Ideally, one with absolutely no unrealistic expectations about my abilities!

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

As always, have caused me to giggle uncontrollably at your introduction level! I have heard yoga is reason I have not tried...but I can wish this for you!

CP said...

As Claire wishes for herself, so too do I wish for Claire♥

Karen D said...

As Claire wishes for herself, so i wish for her also. May you stretch through yoga and beyond!

Sarah Sullivan said...

As Claire wishes for herself, so i wish for her also.

Whoo hoo so very glad you are wishcasting - I'm sooo thrilled! Yes I can relate. K am crying....giggle snort!! You just kill me Claire!! Wonderful wish..I hope the moves come easier!! Pretzel girl!! Hugs, Sarah

Tammy said...

I never could do yoga, and that's why I LOL'd at this post!! Great wish!

Goodness said...

Oh Claire, as you wish for yourself, so I truly wish for you as well.

Wishing you nothing but goodness as you continue your yoga practice.

Lexington said...

As Claire wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

Ms. Becky said...

you make me laugh. as Claire wisher for herself, so I wish for her also. :)

Anna said...

As Claire wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

Bridgett said...

You have a knack for making me laugh out loud. Of course, then my husband looks at me like I have a booger hanging out of my nose, but nevertheless, I so enjoy your blog.

Now get to practicing that yoga, girly. :D


Marisa @ Getting Back To Basics said...

I got a great chuckle from your post. So glad to meet someone at the same yoga level as me.
As Claire wishes to stretch herself, so do I wish for her also

Janet said...

:) :) :) just remember the thing about yoga is that you're not supposed to compare yourself to anyone else and you don't have to try to be as good as anyone else. if you love beginner classes, then take beginner classes! I'd go with you! Claire, that which you wish for, i wish for you also.

Kayce aka lucy said...

As Claire wishes for herself, so I lovingly and with intention wish for her also.

oh yes, i can relate (and this is my first wishcast wednesday, too).

Rose said...

Hey Claire. As Claire wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

Have you come across Eco Yogini's blog? She does private practice and talks about different types and things....

Cindy said...

claire, you make me laugh. As Claire so wisheds for herself, I wish for her also. No yoga for me, i do like Tai chi.

Pennie said...

As Claire wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

Your post made me laugh as I've been through the same thing doing yoga. Maybe we can stretch together on this one because I too want to get back into it. =)

Tabitha the KnittingJourneyman said...

As Claire wishes for herself I so wish for her as well.

Jamie Ridler said...

As Claire wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

Welcome to Wishcasting, Claire! I'm glad you're here :)

Bella Sinclair said...

Hahahaha! Oh, this was great. I have never tried yoga. I know myself better than to try. You are too funny. And I wish you luck. I hope you stick to it.

menopausaloldbag (MOB) said...

Oh I keep meaning to take up yoga - there is a class in the school around the corner from me. Perhaps after your hilarious accoun I miht give it a miss! On the other hand I hear it's great for your sex life!