Sunday, 23 August 2009

To Burger King or not to Burger King.......that is the question

Howdy do everyone! Hope you are all well. Do you want to come with me on a run down on one of my ever eventful weekends? Come on, I'll give you a piggy back.

On Friday night I met up with a very dear friend. We put our glad rags on, I diffused my hair to candy floss and off we went. After a few drinks in our local and giggling at random past memories, we went to an under ground type basement club and they played the best music! Old school classics such as the Rolling Stones, Elton John and even a bit of Chaka Khan. Well, considering my hair and all, this became my song and made a right fool of my self trying to justify that. Girly giggles all night and we can't wait to do it again!

Saturday: AKA, the anniversary.

Being the good girlfriend that I am, I let big fella have a lie in.I got up early and saw that it was a glorious day, so I decided to go on an adventure.

I made my way into town and went to the Liverpool cathedral, or Gotham towers as I like to call it. Doesn't it look like where batman would live?
I had never been inside before and boy was it huge! It literally took your breath away as you stepped inside.
It was so huge, I couldn't get the whole picture and nearly fell backwards trying to get it all in the camera frame!

I truly love walking around huge buildings admiring the architecture and soaking up the history. Whenever I am in a religious place such as this, I always light a candle for my mum who passed away a few years back and I found myself getting a bit teary.

I saw out of the corner of my eye an open exit door so I decided to go out for a bit of fresh air. I was lead down a flight of old stone steps and into a different world. You see, the cathedral is smack bang in the city centre, so I was intrigued to go down the path which seemed to go under ground..

It was a strange winding path of tunnels and gravestones.

Which lead to a park. It was so quiet and peaceful you could not hear all the hustle and bustle of city life above. Just the the sound of beautiful song bird and rustling leaves. As I was gazing around in wonder, I noticed an elderly man was sitting on a bench. We greeted each other and he began to tell me the history of this enchanting place. He told me that in the sixteenth century this plot used to be a quarry, hence and the pathways under ground and tunnels. Then as they built the cathedral, and the stone was not longer profitable in the quarry, they used it as a burial ground. As time went on it was decided to move all the gravestones off the ground and put them all along the pathway and build a park.
This was the only part where they kept the graves stones in there rightful place. The man told me a lot of his family tree was buried here and he comes here every Saturday as part of a volunteer group called the friends of the park to keep it clean and tidy as there is no security and vandals thrive in it.He had been doing it every Saturday for thirty five years. I told him how wonderful that he does that and told him I would definitely pop down some Saturday to see him again.

As we were talking, a butterfly floated along to the leaf beside me and I got my camera out to capture a picture. The man asked what I was doing and I asked him if he wanted a go and try out the camera. So he took this picture! Beautiful!
So that was my adventure to Liverpool Cathedral, an amazing building and secret gardens that I got so carried away talking about the history with my new friend I didn't investigate the rest of the park. Something to do next week is sorted anyway!

I soon got a phone call from big fella asking to buy milk and come back with it quickly because he can not open both eyes properly without his morning coffee.

Once big fella was dozed up to the eye balls with caffeine he told me we were going on a day out for our anniversary and it was a surprise! WEEEEE! So happy! We hopped in the trusty steed called car and as big fella drove, we grooved and sang along to Bob Marley with the with the windows down and sunshine on our smiling faces. It was that kind of day.

We went to the beach!!!! Big fella knows how I love the sea, and we got some chips and went for a long walk along the sea front and on the way back we gobbled up a large ice cream.

As we were walking back to the car, we saw a large flock of birds doing a weaving hypnotising dance in the sky.It couldn't have been a better way to spend the day together. Well done big fella, well done.

We went home to rest our achy feet and have a cup of tea. I started to think about dinner. I wonder, did he plan a night out as well?
I waited as we sat there drinking our tea, with big fella starting at the sea world attraction/fish tank. Twenty minutes later I had to click my fingers a couple of times to get him out of his goldfish trance to suggest dinner.

At that point I just knew he was thinking beans on toast (its the way he pulls a face when he is thinking about beans) so I blurted out that it was "ouranniversaryandweshouldgooutfordinnerIreallywanttoeatout!" I only realised I screeched this sentence a mile a minute in a pertinent five year old voice. Jeez, I guess I really did want to go out. I gave him hint by asking him where my favourite place in the world I like to eat. I slowly saw him make a connection and gave me a knowing smile and nodded.

I hoped he had the same place in mind as I did (the little Italian restaurant we went to on our first date and Claire here was very nervous so just to do the trick, drunk too much wine with her carbannora (as i called it then) and convinced herself and downright demanded that every one in the restaurant would enjoy a rendition of Shirley Bassey's Gold finger sung by moi. Quivering lips and all. I truly thought the big fella was going to be the put in the "one that got away" file after that.)

But as we drove further away from town I realised our destination was not there. Any way, big fella keeps on joking about how I am barred from there so............................
Where were we going? We just kept on driving somewhere. Eventually I remembered the next stretch of road as Big fella and I once got a burger king from here and I stated that burger king was my most favourite food eve.........
Oh. As we indicated into the drive throug I saw big fellas face full of pride as he said "You see, I do listen to you, I do remember!"

He was right.

I never told him my favourite place was the Italian restaurant, I can't remember the main course for heaven sake, so I never brought it up. Only in my silly skull. But I did tell him about burger king.
His face was such a picture of happiness and pride, I laughed and laughed! He did take me to my favourite place to eat. As he knew it.

We splashed out and got extra large and big fella even bought a kids meal to get me a crown! As we were sitting in the parking lot, I heard a child crying to his mum that he didn't get a crown. Poor mum looked very stressed so I asked big fella if he would mind if I gave my crown to him which he gracefully agreed to. I jumped out of the car and handed it to the boy. His eyes lit up, mums face looked so relieved, she thanked me over and we had a supportive squeeze of the arms which was a lovely moment and making me go "Awwww" over and over randomly throughout the rest of the day at the thought of it. Which must have been strange for innocent by standers near me.

As we basically stuffed our faces in the car I turned to look at big fella and laughed as his face was covered in red sauce.Here's how the next conversation went.

" Aour ace s overed i read auce!MffffMffff!"

Translation: "Your face is covered in red sauce! LOL!"

"oww tis Shours! Ghawfff! Mmmmm!"

Translation: "So is yours! Double LOL! yum!"

We had a face full of burgers and were talking with our mouths full. It was a juvenile, childish anniversary moment.

And the burger was the best food in the world. Just as big fella is the best big fella too.


Unknown said...

OMG! Your photo's are fantastic! I just love the little tunnel and church...thank you for sharing!

Holly said...

LOVERLY! Congrats and thanks for taking me with!

Dede said...

Oh Claire you are the bestest for sharing your very special day with all of us! Your pictures are wonderful! Happy Anniversary and many,many more to you!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Sounds like the perfect anniversary celebration! It's a good thing the Big Fella was a Shirley Bassey fan, eh? LOL!

Rudee said...

Such a lovely weekend! It was sort of perfect to top it off with a casual dinner. You'll remember that story for awhile.

I loved the photo of those headstones along the path near the church. They look so old.

Cindy said...

Claire I am glad you had a great day, I loved the story with the old man, and it just seemed filled with happiness. Big hug to you and to Big Fella. Happy anniversary.

Cindy said...

Thankyou aagain Claire for the award and all the kind things you said about me. It was very appreciated. take care, have a great day.

Rose said...

Oh wow! What a fantastic day! I went to the cathedral once but never found that enchanted place... If I ever go back I shall be sure and hunt it down. I remember loving the other cathedral to, the modern one. I don't remember being so enamoured of the outside but the inside is lovely... Or at least, my memory is!

clairedulalune said...

Thats one of my next adventures Rose!

Unknown said...

Great adventure, thanks for letting me tag along, Lovely pics too! x

Calico Kate said...

Awww! What a lovely day. Really interested to read about the cathedral and it's pathways. Do hope you go back one Saturday. That woul be so nice.

Barry said...

Happy Anniversary! I loved your walk and envy you the opportunity to visit whenever you like.

I wish my wife's favourite restaurant was Burger King!!!

Maithri said...

I love the way you see the world!

I'm a big fan of old cathedrals (And it did look like Gotham Tower btw lol) and flocks of birds and bob marley and butterflies...

Great to meet a kindred spirit on the road,

Deep peace and warm love to you and yours, Maithri

beth said...

now that is some love story !!

wonderful words, great photos....happy anniversary to you both !!

Tracey said...

I enjoyed reading every little bit of tha post. how romantic and such fun too.

i love the graveyard and the tunnel.. i trace my family tree too but haven't found any graveyards as pretty as that one yet

Happy Anniversary xx

Anonymous said...

So beautiful. I am very jealous.

Bella Sinclair said...

Awww, Claire. This was the BEST story ever. You two are adorable together, and I love a gal who appreciates the little things in life. Your photos are wonderful and so full of story, too. Happy Anniversary!

I also wanted to thank you for stopping by and leaving such a warm and thoughtful message. Your kindness gave me comfort and strength. Thank you.

My husband used to play Claire de Lune on the piano whenever he got the chance. He could only remember the first 20 bars or so. I think I will have to teach myself to play it.
