Monday, 31 August 2009

Camera magic

This is a pretty average picture I took of a boat passing by our window late one night as it went sailing by. Nothing special, nothing fancy, a bit drab.(if viewing blogs recently has anything to go by, your pictures are fan- tabby- dozy! The good ole "point and shoot" just aint cutting it! (Correction: I can not work it.)

But what about this? Like a ghostly galvanised goddesses chariot pulled over the water by electrifying cats!
or this..........................................................................
This looks like to me, a family of seahorses followed by the watchful eye of their mother.

This one reminds me of a cluster of fairy folk, walking over the water following the ghost ship!
So do not be so quick to delete your photos, you might just catch a wee bit of magic!


Alicia @ boylerpf said...

NEver throw pics away! You just don't know when you go to look for something and they open up with this kind of magic that you just didn't see before!

Holly said...

You are such a smart Witch! Good for you for that bit of fairy magic. I especially like the family of sea horses....only in Liverpool, and only with Claire!

Dede said...

I love looking a photos that were taken years ago. I seem to always see something in them that I didn't see the first time round. Pretty pictures, thank you for sharing!

Cindy said...

I like the photos Claire, the seahorses are my fave. Here is to a little magic. Take care.

KrisMrsBBradley said...

Oh, I love the seahorses! I will never throw another "bad" picture away again!

Rudee said...

An awesome family of sea horses! You have an incredible imagination.

beth said...

I love the photos....I really do !

Sandra Lundy said...

you are so right! never delete! i love taking photos like this just to see what i come up with :)

i especially love the seahorses!

Bridgett said...

Seahorses! Yes, I see that too. :)


julochka said...

have you seen spudballoo's camera club? she had a post about point & shoots, so don't be too hasty in setting it aside:

P&Ses can do lots of cool stuff.