Please do not be alarmed, I did not do anything to cause this gentleman to be in this position, (I wish! Imagine if I had a tube of super glue in my hands, I could not resist.)
But the priceless look on the man's face is not the reason for this photograph. The reason is this. Remember what I was saying about the camera captures what the eye can not see? Well , is it just me or are those circular thingymebobs in the photograph what the people of the paranormal call ORBS? (Don't say it is dust! Do not ruin my illusion! All right maybe it is.) As we edge ever closer to the weekend I will bid you farewell, cheerio for now!
Hi hon..LMAO you just gotta spill the beans here - what were you doing!! I am gonna email you a pic of Nonni with orbs. Pictures with her often have them. Thanks for the afternoon giggle - you with super glue - his expression is priceless!! Hugs, Sarah
I am wondering what you were up to too. HMMMMM!
Sweet Claire, I see you are reading the hobbit, say hi to bilbo for me.
Orbs indeed! And bunches of them. Wow.
I've seen several pictures of myself lately with a single orb floating above my head. I like to think it's my guardian. :)
And I see the swans too! So beautiful...
Now my curiosity is piqued! It looks like a bunch of hangman's nooses...What were you up to? The swans are superb floating along!
Definitely not orbs sorry to burst your illusion, however you do seem to have come across a flock of electric egrets! Wonderful sighting.
I am assuming this chap lived; otherwise you'd have posted that you had something major to chat about on your I Am Guilty Of Sundays.
Would he be bell ringing by any chance? I can't see the sally's and it could be in a church.... My folks are bell ringers...
Oh my word what have you done? This sounds like it is going to be good! Can't wait to hear. Super glue is fantastic stuff, hehehe.
LOL, this is great. What in the heck? I'm following you to see what else you're getting into. Come and see me at Would be flattered to see you as a follower too. I'll be back, Take good care, Keri
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