Friday 16 January 2009

Oh my giddy aunt!

Wonders never to do cease! Well, do you remember me having a wee moan about how our dream flat was taken and never to return? Well, it has come back to us! Yesterday me and the big lad went to view some other places with heavy hearts and not really feeling it as we were still mourning over the loss of our beloved place we had found. We then recieved a phone call from the estate agents saying it was back on the market and would we be able to view it that night. Of course we jumped at the chance and it looks even better on the inside than out! We then put in a offer this morning and if all goes well, it should be all ours! I really do feel like the goddess is taking care of business (as i asked so nicely of course), but i do remember that she teaches me lessons almost everyday. Im so thankful for these changes in events, even if it was just to see inside the place! I will let you know how it all pans out! Finger and toes crossed for us and stayed tuned, we just don't know what will happen next! Weee!

1 comment:

Hibiscus Moon said...

Yay! I hope all the best for you. If you do get it, you must post pics ASAP! Brightest Blessings.